Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bailli Delegue Message to Chaine Members

Dear Confrerie

I am pleased to announce that 62 members attended our recent Annual General Meeting & Dinner held on 18 March 2016. I am also pleased to report that all the resolutions contained in the Notice of AGM 2016 were unanimously approved by our members. I attach a copy of my Bailli Delegue’s Annual Report highlighting key aspects and activities of the Bailliage in the last year for your reference and information.

Elections were also held for the Conseil National (“Council”) and Honorary Auditors, and I am pleased to attach a full list of our office holders for the coming year. A calendar with projected events for the rest of the year is also attached. Further updates can be found on our new website which will shortly go live at

During the AGM, Council also presented plans for a Grand Chapitre in Singapore from 20 to 23 October 2016. This will be the first Grand Chapitre to be held in Singapore in almost 15 years, and Council felt that the time was right given our recent Singapore Jubilee 50th year Celebrations and our Bailliage’s 40th anniversary in 2015. We have grown both as a Nation and as a Bailliage with a proud tradition of Multi-Cultural Diversity and Culinary Excellence that we can share with our friends from Bailliages around the world. A programme which showcases the rich Cultural and Culinary Heritage of Singapore has been put together in some of Singapore’s iconic and historical landmarks, details of which are attached for your reference.

The proposal for the Grand Chapitre was unanimously approved by members, and indeed we have been encouraged by the strong expressions of support, including sponsorships and offers to help with the organization of the event. This is an event which showcases not only some of our signature events, but is also a celebration of Singapore’s rich and diverse cultural and culinary heritage. We look forward to your support, not only as sponsors and working group members, but especially to your participation at the various events as we extend our warm hospitality and welcome to our friends from around the world.

Best Wishes & Viva La Chaine !

Mervyn Fong
Bailli Delegue

Bailliage de Singapour

Tuesday, March 22, 2016